Thursday, March 10, 2011


I always call this look J Crew dad, even thought none of it is from J Crew. Im not talking dad dad, Im talking about all the cool guys that push strollers into the coffee shop are wearing. I always see them and I'm like, you are either a graphic designer or an out of work actor or maybe you used to be a pro skater. Either way they are way cooler than me and the fact that they are pushing a stroller into the coffee shop at 10:30pm means they don't have to deal with real world problems like alarm clocks or deadlines. That is the life that I aspire to, so instead of knocking someone up I just stole their steez and ran with it.

Also this is a bit late but if you happen to be anywhere near Japan you can pick up the February issue of Free & Easy and learn all about "Dad Style."

Top to Bottom:

Glasses - LA Eye Works

Jacket - Military Surplus

Button Up - Ralph Lauren

Sweater - Vintage - gift from my housemate

Shoes - Vintage mens oxfords

Jeans - APC New Cure

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